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The Seymour J. and Ethel S. Frank
Festival of New Plays

Sponsored by Mary Lou Zieve 


Deadline has PASSED for 2022

Submissions for the 2023 PlayFest open January 1st, 2022 



$15 non-refundable submission fee. 


Checks and money orders should be made payable to “JET Theatre.” Contact the theatre should you wish to pay by credit card.



JET encourages all playwrights 18 and over to submit their work. JET's main stage programming is wide-ranging, including comedies, dramas, and plays that often reflect issues of family, community, and humanity. Use our past productions as a guide and if you have questions, contact us at 248-788-2900.


Entry must be a full-length original work or adaptation with a minimum running time of 85 minutes that has not been produced prior to the festival in 2023. Maximum cast size of 10. Staged readings/workshop productions are not disqualifying factors.



Submissions will be accepted January 1, 2022 - April 30, 2022 at 11:59 PM, verified by time stamp.




Email: Attach a PDF file of your script, and a second PDF file that includes a cover letter, character list/descriptions, scene breakdown, brief synopsis, playwright bio, and contact information. Musicals must include either mp3 files or links to unlisted video. Email to: by 11:59 pm, April 30, 2022. No email submission will be considered without payment of the submission fee.


Please note that entries that do not comply with our guidelines will not be accepted.



The playwright gives the JET Theatre permission to print scripts for reading/production purposes. Should your script be selected as one of the finalists, you are encouraged to attend the readings and talk backs. Finalists must acknowledge JET if the script is published.



Each of the four finalists will receive a $250 honorarium. No other expenses will be paid.



Each entry is guaranteed a minimum of 2 evaluations. The committee narrows down the entries to 15 – 20, which are read by the entire committee who then select the finalists.



Finalists will be notified no later than December 31, 2022.








The Playwright/Submitter agrees (by submission) to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the JET Theatre, its Adjudicators, Board of Directors and volunteers from any and all damages, liability, and claims, arising from the submission, production or elimination/disqualification of their submitted work.


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All ticket sales are final. Exchanges at the discretion of the management.

Office hours:

M-F 10 am - 3 pm



P.O. Box 252717

West Bloomfield, MI 48325


Since its inception, The Jewish Ensemble Theatre has used its stage to explore and confront issues of humanity. As a theatre of social conscience, we have stood--and will always stand--for inclusion, fairness, justice, and most importantly, equality.


Bigotry, racism, intolerance, discrimination and prejudice in society is intolerable, which is why JET has worked for 33 years to educate our youth and engage our audiences in these vital issues. JET will continue to honor its guiding principles in this regard.


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